time flies

He shared with me a story about his own life, how he had once been young and full of dreams, but had let the years slip away without taking control of his own destiny. He spoke of the regrets he carried with him, of the moments he had let slip through his fingers, and of the lessons he had learned along the way.
As he spoke, I felt a sense of connection with this stranger, as if we were kindred spirits, brought together by fate. I too had felt the weight of time passing me by, had felt the nagging fear that I was not living up to my potential.
But as the stranger spoke, I realized that I had the power to change my path, to take control of my own life and steer it towards the direction I wanted to go. I thought of the quote, [Time flies but you are the pilot] and felt a sense of empowerment wash over me.
The stranger and I sat in silence for a moment, lost in our own thoughts. And then he spoke again, his voice filled with kindness and compassion. Don't waste your time, my friend, he said. Take hold of your life and fly it towards your dreams. Time is the only currency we have, and we must spend it wisely.